Yes, the rumors are true.

GameHungry has a new logo, as you can see at the very top of this page.

We’ve tried our best to keep this under wraps until the design was finalized because you simply can’t rush the artistic process, but when the industry is moving forward at such a rapid pace, you have no choice but to keep up.

Here’s our boring old logo, for any first-time visitors to compare:

Here’s our provocative new logo:

Our inspiration behind the logo was to remind people that this hobby isn’t just for mimic chests to enjoy, it’s for everybody.

If you don’t like this new design, please stay tuned, we’re planning to update it in about 20 years with the help of the same team who brought you the original Craigslist probably.

Would we love be focusing on content, layouts, and user-experience? Of course, but the board game world has spoken, and we listened.

HEY YOU: Have you ever wanted to get paid to write about board games? We’re looking for new contributors to help us grow this site. It’s low-pressure, lots of fun, and it’s okay if you don’t have any experience. Send a quick email to hello (at) and we’ll fill you in.

GameHungry Is Proud To Unveil our New Logo